Both Occupations' Knowledge
No overlap found.
Knowledge Gaps
Both Occupations' Skills
The following occupations share matching job skills with Letter carriers and may be of interest:
Elementary and secondary school teacher assistants support students, and assist teachers and counsellors with teaching and non-instructional tasks. They assist in areas of personal care, teaching and behaviour management under the supervision of teachers or other child care professionals. They are employed in public and private elementary, secondary and special needs schools and treatment centres.
Both Occupations' Knowledge
No overlap found.
Knowledge Gaps
Both Occupations' Skills
Electrical power line and cable workers construct, maintain and repair overhead and underground electrical power transmission and distribution systems. They are employed by electric power generation, transmission and distribution companies, electrical contractors and public utility commissions.
Both Occupations' Knowledge
No overlap found.
Knowledge Gaps
Both Occupations' Skills
This unit group includes circus performers, magicians, models, puppeteers and other performers not elsewhere classified. They are employed by circuses, nightclubs, and theatre, advertising and other production companies, or they may be self-employed.
Both Occupations' Knowledge
No overlap found.
Knowledge Gaps
Both Occupations' Skills
Both Occupations' Tools & Technologies
No overlap found.
Tool & Technology Gaps
Clerks in this unit group write correspondence, proofread material for accuracy, compile material for publication, verify, record and process forms and documents, such as applications, licences, permits, contracts, registrations and requisitions, and perform other related clerical duties in accordance with established procedures, guidelines and schedules. They are employed by newspapers, periodicals, publishing firms and by […]
Both Occupations' Knowledge
No overlap found.
Knowledge Gaps
Both Occupations' Skills
Both Occupations' Tools & Technologies
No overlap found.
Tool & Technology Gaps
This unit group includes faculty administrators and registrars of colleges or universities and administrators of vocational training schools. Faculty administrators manage the academic and related activities of faculties of colleges or universities. Registrars manage registration activities and academic records systems of colleges or universities. Administrators of vocational training schools manage the operations of vocational schools […]
Both Occupations' Knowledge
No overlap found.
Knowledge Gaps
Agricultural representatives, consultants and specialists provide assistance and advice to farmers on all aspects of farm management, cultivation, fertilization, harvesting, soil erosion and composition, disease prevention, nutrition, crop rotation and marketing. They are employed by businesses, institutions and governments that assist the farming community, or they may be self-employed.
Both Occupations' Knowledge
No overlap found.
Both Occupations' Skills
Paralegals prepare legal documents and conduct research to assist lawyers or other professionals. Independent paralegals provide legal services to the public as allowed by government legislation, or provide paralegal services on contract to law firms or other establishments. Notaries public administer oaths, take affidavits, sign legal documents and perform other activities according to the scope […]
Both Occupations' Knowledge
No overlap found.
Knowledge Gaps
Both Occupations' Skills
Both Occupations' Tools & Technologies
No overlap found.
Tool & Technology Gaps
This unit group includes workers who operate vehicles and equipment to maintain streets, highways and sewer systems and operate trucks to collect garbage and recyclable materials. This group also includes workers who clear vegetation close to power lines, workers who inspect the condition of utility poles and workers who locate underground utility lines and pipes. […]
Both Occupations' Knowledge
No overlap found.
Both Occupations' Skills
Skill Gaps
Interior designers and interior decorators conceptualize and produce aesthetic, functional and safe designs for interior spaces in residential, commercial, cultural, institutional and industrial buildings. They are employed by architectural and interior design firms, retail establishments, construction companies, hospitals, airlines, hotel and restaurant chains, and other establishments, or they may be self-employed.
Both Occupations' Knowledge
No overlap found.
Knowledge Gaps
Both Occupations' Skills
Land survey technologists and technicians conduct or participate in surveys to determine the exact locations and relative positions of natural features and other structures on the earth’s surface, underground and underwater. They are employed by all levels of government, architectural and engineering firms, and by private sector surveying establishments.
Both Occupations' Knowledge
No overlap found.
Both Occupations' Skills
Skill Gaps
Both Occupations' Tools & Technologies
No overlap found.
Tool & Technology Gaps
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