Salary & Income Details for Professional occupations in religion

Median Income by Education

The following table details the median income for various education levels for professional occupations in religion.

Education Level Median Income
No certificate, diploma or degree N/A
Secondary (high) school diploma or equivalency certificate N/A
Apprenticeship or trades certificate or diploma N/A
College, CEGEP or other non-university certificate or diploma N/A
University certificate or diploma below bachelor level N/A
University certificate, diploma or degree at bachelor level or above N/A
Total: Highest certificate, diploma or degree $42,706
Data source: Statistics Canada 2016 Census of Population. Custom tabulation for population aged 15 and over who worked in 2015 and reported employment income in 2015.

Median Income by Gender

The following table details median income by gender for professional occupations in religion.

Gender Median Income
Male $44,510
Female $48,183
Data source: Statistics Canada 2016 Census of Population. Custom tabulation for population aged 15 and over who worked in 2015 and reported employment income in 2015.