Other installers, repairers and servicers and material handlers

This major group comprises other installer, material handler, repairer and servicer occupations with some secondary school education or on-the-job training. It includes other installers, repairers and servicers, longshore workers and material handlers.

744 · Other installers, repairers and servicers
3 Jobs

This minor group includes residential and commercial installers and servicers; waterworks and gas maintenance workers; pest controllers and fumigators; and other repairers and servicers. They are employed by companies specializing in specific product installation and service; water filtration and distribution plants and waste treatment plants; gas distribution companies; pest control companies; and product specialty repair […]

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745 · Longshore workers and material handlers
4 Jobs

This minor group includes longshore workers and material handlers. They are employed by marine cargo handling companies, shipping agencies and shipping lines; transportation, storage and moving companies; and a variety of manufacturing and processing companies and retail and wholesale warehouses.

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